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Ways To Work With Me
Looking for significant transformation of your distress, emotional pain or personal challenge? Through 1-on-1 consultations Bridget can help alleviate whatever distress you’re faced with More…
Let me help you live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
Hello, I’m Bridget Edwards ~ Stress Consultant, Author, Speaker and Trainer. I’ve written three books, Anger Gone! How to Easily Defeat Anger, Stress Gone! How to Identify and Reduce Stress Easily, and Stress Gone! Tips – my 4th book is coming soon. I’m passionate about helping people to thrive by overcoming their emotional challenges and personal limitations. I achieve this through online consultations, speaking engagements, workshops, my books and products. We ALL desire a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Sadly, few people realise the keys to successful living are well within reach… literally within their own hands, and right under their noses! I kid not, let me show you how … Read More
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