EFT Tapping Client Testimonials
I began my EFT tapping practise in 2007. Since then, I’ve felt incredibly blessed for the opportunity to work with fabulous clients from all walks of life, and across the globe. The client testimonials shared below are but a drop in the ocean of the extensive work accomplished. Being committed to client confidentiality and privacy, I understand those who wished to remain anonymous. Not everyone is willing to share their painful life experiences.
Every client humbles me because they put their faith in me to help them through deeply trying, and often very painful life experiences. Its a big task, which I don’t take lightly. However, this is why I absolutely LOVE working with EFT tapping – I have total faith that it will “work its magic”, and deliver remarkable results. Each and every time without fail!
“Bridget, I so enjoyed meeting you, in spite of my initial reservations. You are sensitive and accepting without a superior attitude, which is what I have come across so often, thank you for that.”
Steph Milne, Cape Town
“Bridget has been a pillar of my transformation, she helped me to accept and love myself in a deeper way. I moved from a place of self hate and negative self talk to a place of contentment and self love. She was able to hold a safe space for me to open up, feel and express my thoughts and emotions freely. I have experienced deep emotional release through her sessions. I’m grateful.”
Peter, Kenya
“I can highly recommend Bridget for EFT therapy. She has developed a truly unique approach where she personalises the session to the needs of the client, and is incredibly perceptive in getting to the root of the problem. Bridget has an amazing understanding of the mind body connection, and how suppressed emotions and old programming can manifest in a variety of physical and mental conditions. She is able to adapt her technique to provide a warm and supportive healing environment for all sorts of issues, and through her tapping technique provides a safe space where she is quickly able to help the client work at a subconscious level to shift energy, process old trauma and address deep seated ongoing negative belief systems in such a short space of time. Bridget is a fantastic EFT therapist for clients looking for immediate yet lasting results.” Dr Kate, Medical Doctor (Gauteng, South Africa)
Addictions – Client Testimonials
“I heard Bridget speak at an open evening in Pringle Bay in 2019. I was intrigued by what she had to say and I was certainly “ready” to take the necessary steps needed to let go of some of my attachments. After chatting to a friend who had previously had a single session with Bridget to quit alcohol, I booked my 1st session to stop drinking alcohol. I remember that although I was completely open and trusting to the process I had little mind games triggering me during the session saying …”this cannot possibly work”, but I completed the session and have not had a drink since. That was at the end of February 2020. One session. After a few months I decided to tackle an even bigger attachment, my nicotine addiction. On May 28th, 2020 after only one session with Bridget I stopped smoking after 34 years. Both processes were smooth and easy. I still feel blessed every day that I stumbled upon Bridget to gracefully assist me in the “acceptance and letting go” of these emotional attachments. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it and with a little help and support from someone like Bridget and with a nudge from the Universe you can only be successful. One Love, Liezl” (One session only)
“This message serves to say THANK YOU for contributing in my success as a person. You’ve made me aware of the things I was not aware of. Since then I use some of your principles in my life on a daily basis. You’ve also answered some of my long awaiting questions in life and I really appreciate it. Be blessed and I thank you.” Jabu, Centurion (One session only)
“Hi Bridget, I had a lovely weekend thanks. I was very relaxed until Sunday. I have been working with tapping to relax again. Feeling better this evening and I can say I have been so much calmer than I was before. I notice it in handling my hubbie and son who has been here for 3 weeks. And in my thinking through things and feeling upbeat and not depressed or anxious. I don’t feel the need to drink now, I’ve only had wine on 2 days. So grateful for this change. Blessings.” Diane, Cape Town (One session only)
“Wow Bridget … I’ve not had the urge to drink yet (almost 3 months) so I’m very happy about that! During this period its come to my attention that I am ready to stop with the smoking, but I am going to need help for sure!” Liezel, Cape Town (One session only)
“Bridget I feel incredible, alive, happy and healthy. Since you helped me overcome my trauma, I haven’t had any drinks in well over 6 months! I don’t want to, and I don’t miss it, even when S… (his wife) drinks, or we socialise. I no longer have that need – no cravings, nothing! Looking back, I realise I was an alcholic because of all those traumas you helped release. Now, I sleep so well too. Those terrible flashbacks have also gone. I’ve drive past that place often, nothing triggers me anymore – it’s unbelievable how free I feel. I cannot thank you enough. you’ve saved my life and marriage too. I was on a self destruct course, out of control.” Graeme (One session only)
Anger Management – Client Testimonials
“Hi Bridget. It’s been hard after our session with regards to T(name withheld) and I. Guess we had to go our separate ways. It’s getting better, I’m finding my way and I feel I’m much happier, stress free and more focused. I’ve been around family and friends to help me move forward. I really appreciate your help and guidance.” Six weeks later: “2017 has been an amazing year. I no longer have any anger issues. I did get rid of all the negative people in my life. It’s made me a better person and also, brought someone amazing into my life. I really am impressed with the progress I’ve made over this year. Thank you for being apart of my transformation. Thank you Bridget!!!” Douglas, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Hello Bridget, EFT has been a life saving gift, and as a result I now feel a deep all pervading peace; this has been a liberating experience. Thank you so much for helping me!” Anne, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Good Morning Bridget, I am well thanks, much better than i was. The session we had was so liberating, i didn’t realize how much burden i was carrying. That i was affecting most of my relationships. Thank you soo much. We resolved our differences with Txxxxx, and explained everything. Im also using the techniques you showed me to calm down. i will keep in touch. Regards.” Babalwa, Soweto (One session only)
“hey Bridget, thank you for saving me last week. I didn’t realise how dangerous my anger was – that road rage incident almost cost everything dearest to me, my relationship, kids and work. I’m grateful for all your help, and a 2nd chance to work things out. I am using the techniques you gave me – they work well everyday especially in traffic and the office. Thanx!!!!!!!!” Dean, Johannesburg (One session only)
Anxiety and Panic Attacks – Client Testimonials
Two and a half years ago my husband of 4 years committed suicide. I was devastated, but as time went by, the pain became more bearable and I started putting my life back together and I thought I was doing pretty well and had put it all behind me. About 8 months ago, I started getting panic attacks; I was continuously anxious and terrified of what could possibly go wrong. I’d overanalyze everything to the finest detail and as a result become more anxious. This got to a point where I became physically ill. After various visits to doctors which led to all the scans and diagnostic methods available, but after all this nothing was found to be wrong in medical terms. I had a constant burning in my stomach, nausea etc. With really nothing to lose and initially out of curiosity I contacted Bridget and went for a session with her. I had no idea what to expect but within the first half an hour, emotions were flowing and I realized how much I still had bottled up and it gave me a better understanding of why I felt the way I did. It is now one week after I had the session and I haven’t had a single panic attack, I haven’t had any abdominal pain or anxiety and for the first time in years to be honest I am at ease, I don’t feel the need to know and control everything around me, I sleep better and my days in general have just become far more enjoyable and peaceful.” Chantel, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Hi Bridget, I often think of you and have actually talked to some friends about you just a few days ago. I have French friends who might not be at ease to attend a session in English. Our meeting really changed the way I look at things now – my anxiety does not affect me anymore. Hard to believe how difficult it was. You helped me so much, thank you always Bridget!” Benjamin, Paris France (One session only)
Children and Teenagers – Client Testimonials
“Good morning Bridget, I was at the talk light night. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for a genuinely life changing talk. I cannot tell you how different my morning was. Kids usually clingy and this morning both asked to be dropped outside, and walked in alone!! Such a difference! So glad I went! I feel calm and happy for the first time in forever, and I actually feel like I can tackle whatever comes my way. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.” ~ Candace B, Teacher (Johannesburg)
Teenage School Trauma
“My son who had been diagnosed with ADD. ODD. ADhD. RAD along with emotional trauma from his parent’s divorce went to see Bridget. He had a few sessions of EFT. Something happened. I’m not sure. A miracle or a Scientific based form of healing…….I’m not sure. My son literally climbed out of his pit. He saw light. He began to have an awareness of himself. It was a turning point. Thank you Bridget. You shine!“ Kim, Johannesburg (Two sessions)

Compassion Fatigue Testimonial
Dear Bridget,
We would like to take this moment to extend our sincere gratitude for all the help you have provided our SPCA inspectors and staff, during the live export catastrophe and the aftermath.
Sadly, in today’s culture, compassion fatigue is not recognised for the serious mental destruction it causes on welfare workers, but your support of our team and of the work we do and the trauma we had to endure has been truly invaluable to us all and we are so very thankful and grateful for your support.
Marcelle Meredith
NSPCA Executive Director (November 2019)
Depression Client Testimonials
“Wow Bridget! After seeing you, my depression is NO more. Off all my meds. Hubby is happy, and kids don’t get me down anymore – I can cope now. I feel happy and alive again. You’re a miracle worker or angel truly! Can’t thank you enough.” Lerato, Pretoria (One session only)
“Bridget, I would like to thank you for the amazing work you are doing. I came to see you once (depression and ‘cutting’ myself), and now I feel like a new person. I feel positive about life again. I am telling everybody about you. You sat down with me, and went through everything with me. Thank you.” Lee, Western Cape (One session only)
“I have suffered from depression and been on medication for many years (since about 1990). I have always wanted to get off the medication because of the many side effects. This seemed impossible until I met Bridget and learnt about EFT. One session gave me the tools to work with EFT and enabled me to get through difficult times. I am now no longer on medication! I use EFT when troubled and find that within a few minutes I am once again able to cope. And it really works!!!! My thanks to you.” Joan, Johannesburg (One session only)

Fears and Phobias – Testimonials
Although all three of these testimonials are from clients I helped with Fear of Public Speaking, over the years I’ve helped many people overcome all kinds of fears: fear of flying, public speaking, heights, claustrophobia, birds and feathers, spiders and creepy crawlies, snakes, the dark, relationships etc. The most unusual being a ‘cotton wool’ fear.
“A few years ago I was really struggling with public speaking fears – I know this is career limiting but couldn’t help myself. My fears, anxiety and the stress really got the better of me one evening at an event. Bridget saw my distress, and offered to help. I couldn’t believe how quickly she helped, within minutes I felt absolutely calm and relaxed. I’ve subsequently delivered many presentations with ease, even enjoying it. I MC’d my friend’s wedding with ease too. I highly recommend Bridget to help you overcome your fears and phobias – she’s excellent.” Jaco Lotriet, Retail Branch Manager, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Bridget is awesome. She helped me alot to overcome my fear of public speaking. I highly recommend her.” Kanize Fatima Hussain, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Thank you so much for the session I had with you. It did wonders for me. It helped me get past my fear of public speaking to a point where I actually enjoy standing up there now. I still get a bit nervous, and then I do some tapping and it helps tremendously. Thanks again.” Barbara, Gauteng – Facilitator/Speaker (One session only)
Grief and Loss Client Testimonial
“Two and a half years ago my husband of 4 years committed suicide. I was devastated, but as time went by, the pain became more bearable and I started putting my life back together and I thought I was doing pretty well and had put it all behind me. About 8 months ago, I started getting panic attacks; I was continuously anxious and terrified of what could possibly go wrong. I’d overanalyze everything to the finest detail and as a result become more anxious. This got to a point where I became physically ill. After various visits to doctors which led to all the scans and diagnostic methods available, but after all this nothing was found to be wrong in medical terms. I had a constant burning in my stomach, nausea etc.
With really nothing to lose and initially out of curiosity I contacted Bridget and went for a session with her. I had no idea what to expect but within the first half an hour, emotions were flowing and I realized how much I still had bottled up and it gave me a better understanding of why I felt the way I did. It is now one week after I had the session and I haven’t had a single panic attack, I haven’t had any abdominal pain or anxiety and for the first time in years to be honest I am at ease, I don’t feel the need to know and control everything around me, I sleep better and my days in general have just become far more enjoyable and peaceful.” Chantel, Johannesburg (One session only)

“Not Coping” – Client Testimonials
“Hi Bridget ….just to let you know that I had the most amazing day yesterday and (name withheld) got a room in the new private res so moving her soonest….feeling so positive and empowered by our session on Monday!! Thank you so much!! It’s amazing when blocked and negative energy is released….how liberating it feels ? thank you thank you thank you!!” Nicky, Pietermaritzburg (One session only)
“My life got turned around in one afternoon, it’s as if you cleared years of blockages in one sitting, and I can be sceptical of certain alternative healing methods. I still can’t believe that such a simple, non-invasive healing can have such dramatic results. I can’t wait to tap again with you and see what else I have been burying deep inside my stubborn brain … if only everyone knew about this! Best wishes.” Byron, Cape Town (One session only)
“Sometimes what we thought was the problem isn’t – Bridget helped me to ‘sort’ through the self imposed fog I found myself in. I went to see her once and the result was immediate and life changing. I learnt to be objective and distance myself and see my value and move into my true space. THANK YOU Bridget XXX (You DID change my life Bridget. So grateful. Want you to help lots more people).” Lucia, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Being in the complimentary health profession myself, I have come to recognise the importance of releasing emotional ‘baggage’ that keeps us from being whole. EFT helped me to shift some deep-seated behavioural patterns that I was oblivious to as it had become so much a part of who I was. Bridget has a keen sense of guiding the process to those deep layers that we keep hidden from ourselves and she does this gently and with a great deal of compassion. What I found so beneficial is that once the emotion was revealed, it was not necessary to spend days picking at old wounds like one would do in conventional therapy. Instead I acknowledged the emotion and then moved on swiftly and elegantly without having to dwell on all the unpleasantness. I would recommend EFT and Bridget to anyone who wishes to expand their consciousness.” Laura, therapist, Johannesburg (Two sessions)
“My sessions with you were without a shadow of a doubt the most profound shift I had ever experienced. After the shame of having to close my business, and the resulting depression it plunged me into, you were the only one who managed to get me to re-frame, regenerate and rejuvenate on more levels than one. It was like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. You literally saved my life ……” ❣️❣️? Kirsten, Johannesburg (Two sessions)

Stress Management – Testimonials
“Bridget is sharply observant of the source of one’s stresses and strains and is immensely enthusiastic and motivational in helping one deal with challenges in all arenas of life. So glad she is a consultation away #gratitude.” Michele Higginson, CEO and Owner at Crabtree & Evelyn (One session only)
“Bridget was my life line when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. The anti-stress techniques she taught me were invaluable and she was a text away anytime i needed her. I’m so grateful to know I have you on speed dial.” Kathryn Main, CEO at Financial Literacy Disruptor and Educator (One session only)
“I could have never imagined that a powerful tool like this existed. From one session, I had a life changing experience where anxiety, stress and fear was a normal part of my daily routine to a clam clear and collected way of conducting my day. Even more amazing was that EFT was not a temporary solution but a lasting feeling that I still have a week later. EFT has empowered me to take control of so many aspects of my life with confidence and make life so much more enjoyable!” Pieter, Johannesburg (One session only)
Relationship Challenges – Client Testimonials
Couple’s Counselling
“There we were. Talking to lawyers, moving our belongings into corners and cupboards. Tired, listless and yet full of friction. I can’t count how many times we both uttered the words, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ Telling our daughter was the worst.
At first glance, I thought we were going for couple’s counselling. This of course established by my male induced suspicion that we had real problems that could only be fixed by a 3rd party. As it was cheaper than getting a lawyer, I agreed. Armed with our lists of “issues” needed to “fix” us … but, it wasn’t that at all. Bridget did not put a plaster on our problems. She also did not try to establish a succession of deep issues that would take years of return visits to unroot, and resolve.
Instead, we went home with practical tools to cope with the overwhelming kaleidoscope of stress inducing factors that are, in this modern world, unavoidable. People have problems. You can’t escape that. But Bridget taught us how to deal with them, and without having this overwhelm us.
Today, one year later, we probably still have a similar list. Not much has changed in the form of irritating habits. I still throw my socks on the floor, and my wife still doesn’t respect the recycling bin. BUT, we’ve learnt to accept and respect each other, to communicate, and most importantly, we’ve learnt to LET IT GO.
Although our physical lives haven’t changed much, our collective emotional state has become the garden we now like to spend our time in. Thank you Bridget for literally saving our lives, and our relationship!” (One session each, followed by a joint session)
Personal peace following a traumatic narcissistic relationship
“Dear Bridget, it’s becoming easier and easier to get up in the mornings, and this morning I actually danced around my cat when he came in. It’s such a WOW-WOW-WOW feeling because that’s the way I used to be before all the @#$% problems. (This is a lady who woke up feeling nauseous every morning for 4 years!) I wrote you a testimonial – please feel free to share it:
By the time I approached Bridget, I had been consumed by anger, fear and disgust after having broken free from a narcissistic situation. At the age of 60, and having lost everything I had spent my life working for, I had come to a point where all I did was agonise and despair. I longed for peace of mind. At first I was hesitant about doing a 2-hour session with Bridget, as well as about using Skype but I found Bridget to be extremely professional and well-prepared. She clearly aims for 100% results, does not lose focus for a second and utilises every minute to get you where you hope to be. I had imagined it would mean a lot of hard work and would most probably be quite traumatic, as well, but that’s not at all the way that Bridget works. Added to that, I found Skype easy to use and it definitely saves one the time and cost of travelling. By the end of the session I had experienced an overwhelming sense of relief. I now feel liberated from the fears, thoughts and feelings that had been dragging me down for so long, and which had made it impossible for me to move on and to forget. What’s more, it’s great to know that there are ways to treat the suffering and after-effects of trauma quickly, immediately and most effectively!” Margie, Somerset West (One Session only)
Breaking free from a draining narcissistic relationship
“Oh my God babe, I’m feeling fantastic!!! I am bouncing off the walls with happiness ? (Name withheld) called me today, I didn’t answer and didn’t feel a thing. I haven’t contacted him back. I got all my work done today! I feel so great babe. ? Thank you!! I am definitely keeping you on speed dial. ???. VP, Johannesburg (One session only)
Relationship Trauma
“EFT has not only changed my life in a single session but is gradually increasing the effects, like peace and inner tranquillity every day in my life. I was ‘mistakenly’ struggling with a relationship that made me sad and very emotional. It started draining me of everyday pleasures in life. I started living in the past and in the future instead of the Now. Only to realize at the end, that I had an emotional pile up, of thousands upon thousands of negative thoughts that were completely draining me of my true self. It was like a black board that needed to be erased … this is the exact effect it had on me. Thanks Bridget.” Jolanda, Pretoria (One session only)
Relationship break up, and considering an abortion
“Hi Bridget, all is indeed well on my side – thanks to you! I still tap and my baby actually reacts to my tapping now! It’s so amazing and I am so grateful to have made the choice to keep him despite the turmoil in my life. I have amazing friends who support me and I am so excited for my son’s birth on 15 September. Will send you a picture as soon as I can OK? Take care and once again, thank you for calming the waters for me. Lots of love” PF, Gauteng (One session only)
Turbulent Relationship Breakup
“My life got turned around in one afternoon, it’s as if you cleared years of blockages in one sitting, and I can be sceptical of certain alternative healing methods. I still can’t believe that such a simple, non-invasive healing can have such dramatic results. I can’t wait to tap again with you and see what else I have been burying deep inside my stubborn brain … if only everyone knew about this! Best wishes.” Byron, Cape Town (One session only)
Trauma Counselling – Client Testimonials
Anger or Stress Management and Trauma Counselling results in much of my work, largely because South African crime statistics are extremely high. As such, I’ve been hired by both companies and individuals to assist with traumatic incidents. Since 2007, I’ve successfully assisted in a wide variety of trauma cases i.e. armed robberies, burglaries, hijackings (car-jackings), assaults, rape, molestations, attempted suicides, domestic abuse and violence, road rage, PTSD/CPTSD, physical injuries or accidents, grief and loss, and also treating victims of natural disasters, wild fires including firefighter crews too. I’m passionate about Trauma Counselling, and it’s where I witness truly remarkable results. There’s NOTHING more rewarding than seeing someone transform before my eyes … understandably most clients begin their session highly distressed (often very tearful), but within 2 hours they depart calm, relaxed and totally at peace, regardless of having endured a heinous, painful or nightmarish experience. Approx 90% of my trauma clients haven’t required a follow up session. My results are practically unheard of in traditional psychotherapy, even after months or years. If you’ve been traumatised, and this speaks to you, I’d love to help support you to also achieve a wonderfully peaceful and transformative result … let’s chat.
Attempted Hijacking and House Break-in (Burglary)
“I wish to thank you for helping me come to terms with 2 rather traumatic and scary incidents that happened to me within the space of 3 days. Our single, one-on-one ession helped me to process the physical effects of my trauma, and I felt empowered and my fear was contained within a short period of time, all thanks to your de-stressing techniques. I was hijacked a few years ago, and spent 3 years being held hostage by debilitating fear and trauma, and eventually had to resort to weekly counselling and medication. Thank you that I did not have to endure that long and emotional healing process again.” Taryn D. Johannesburg (One Session only)
House Break-in (Burglary)
“Bridget has helped me and my family members on a number of occasions to deal with very traumatic and stressful situations. She also helped us all after that awful robbery. I highly recommend Bridget, she is an expert in stress management.“ Kanize, Johannesburg (Various sessions extended to the Family)
Teenage School Trauma
“My son who had been diagnosed with ADD. ODD. ADhD. RAD along with emotional trauma from his parent’s divorce went to see Bridget. He had a few sessions of EFT. Something happened. I’m not sure. A miracle or a Scientific based form of healing…….I’m not sure. My son literally climbed out of his pit. He saw light. He began to have an awareness of himself. It was a turning point. Thank you Bridget. You shine!“ Kim, Johannesburg (Two sessions)
Armed Robbery and Assault
“I have to recommend this service to all. I was a Cargo Manager at the Johannesburg International Airport, where in the early hours of the morning my staff fell victim to an armed robbery. They were very traumatized and one had to be admitted to hospital after being assaulted by one of the perpetrators. I got in touch with Bridget who came to give counselling to the staff. she was great and the feedback from her and the staff was amazing. It wasn’t costly and did not require a follow up session as the staff were in a good space after the first session. If you find yourself or your staff in need of counselling, don’t hesitate to contact Bridget.” Nico Hutcheons. Managing Director at Tarariras Tours and Transfers Pty Ltd (One session only)
NCC Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd – Wildland Firefighters
Below is an extract of a letter received from NCC’s Executive Director, Justin Miller relating to the devastating 2019 Betty’s Bay fires that raged for 2 weeks, destroying +40 houses, damaging +20 others, and claimed lives too. During this tragic 2 week period I volunteered my Trauma Counselling services, and assisted 18 members of the public, including members of the NCC fire crew.
… “As the only specialised crews of their kind in the country, these teams set an incredibly high standard for themselves, and have always managed to contain and extinguish wild fires with limited to no loss to property and life. The ongoing fatigue and continuous stress started to take its toll, and eventually manifested itself after the destruction caused by the Betty’s Bay fire. After battling the fire for several days, the team returned from the mountain, having achieved their objective, only to discover that another flank on the far side of the mountain had re-ignited in gale force wind conditions and rapidly spread through and destroyed a large part of the town. After observing this destruction, and completely exhausted, many of the firefighters showed signs of PTSD and broke down, blaming themselves. The climatic conditions on the 11th January 2019 were so extreme, that no human intervention could have stopped the spread of the fire.
On realising that both members of the public and firefighters were requiring counselling to deal with this trauma, Bridget Edwards offered her services. With short notice, NCC’s management team contacted Bridget and organised a session with her the following day. A number of firefighters that showed signs and symptoms of PTSD, were encouraged to participate in her group session. This session proved incredible useful, and the results were almost immediate. On entering the session, many of the firefighters were clearly dejected and disheartened, but following the session, they were all relieved, content, reinvigorated and confident to continue. All of the firefighters that participated in the session were incredibly grateful and appreciative. Profoundly, all of them explained that they had learnt how not to take personal responsibility for such an uncontrollable event. This key learning was instrumental in the firefighter’s ability to move past this experience, and will assist them greatly in the future should they experience similar traumatic situations.
NCC would like to thank Ms Edwards for her amazing support and willingness to assist NCC’s firefighters and members of the public in their time of need. Her support and guidance made a significant impact, and allowed the team to function at full capacity immediately afterwards.”
Justin Miller, Exective Director of NCC Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd.
* Letter available on request.
EFT Tapping Endorsements
In recent years, more and more EFT tapping endorsements have begun popping up everywhere in the media, and across the globe. More significantly amongst celebrities, royalty, prominent medical specialists and highly respected wellness practitioners. As well as amongst sports professionals too. All of whom have benefitted from EFT tapping in one way or another.
Discover what they used EFT tapping for, how they benefitted, and what they had to say about their experience.
Not only is this a fascinating read, it’s intriguing too … read more here