Sacred Healing in Peru

Bewildered but obedient, I heeded the clear instructional message “Go to Peru”. To achieve this I sold my car, and packed all my belongings into storage. A bold, outrageous step into the unknown… to a continent I’d never explored with a language I still don’t speak.

For six months my sacred heaing in Peru was incredibly transformational and deeply cathartic on every level imaginable. I laughed and cried, loved and grieved, felt lost, secure, then lost again, exceptionally happy and miserably depressed, healthy and desperately ill, highly energised and flattened by total exhaustion as both people and sacred plant medicines ripped at my core! It was hell. It was heaven. Raw but beautiful. Above all, it was real. I was totally present, accepting, fully embracing ALL these experiences as my whole being and reality reshaped itself.

Mostly importantly, my heart was opened to an unconditional LOVE so beautiful, I cried tears of sheer joy on many occassions. I met the most wonderful, precious souls imaginable – stangers whom I love like family. Hmmm, yes, they ARE family because we are all ONE humanity. This I know to be true because many of the connections made simply cannot be explained, but we felt and recognised an undeniable, beautiful knowing.

I specifically chose not to share my Peru journey publically. In fact, very few knew because this was MY journey. Just for ME. My healing. My transformation. My need to “find” myself. To know myself. Above all to love, appreciate and accept myself. I needed time out from the incidiously mundane, depressive trudgery my life felt like. To throw myself into the chaos of the unknown, way out of my comfort zone, where change would be foist upon me to rid what felt like a ton of life’s baggage. Baggage I’d unwittingly accumulated from the moment I first breathed in Life itself one ice cold frosty morning in July ’64 when I was brutally janked by metal forceps into a equally cold ‘cruel’ world.

Battered and bruised as a new born was frightening, and this anxiety, fear and stress became deeply ingrained and intertwined throughout my life. Further childhood stress of being sent off to boarding school at 6 years old then resulted in duodenal ulcers at the age of 8 or 9 years old as well as dyslexia. I certainly didn’t understand the ramifications of all these subconscious patterns, and how they affected my behaviour, relationships etc.

Ironically part of my neurology then started to crave the drama of stress, as well as the addictive stress chemicals. Compounded by a lifetime of enormously tragic losses I felt ill equipped to deal with; my stress continued unabaited. Over decades I’d become all to familiar with uncontrollable emotions of anxiety, panic, fear, depression, grief and trauma etc and the consequential detrimental impact, but yet I felt completely ill equipped to stop it.

No wonder I’d constantly searched for clues in the world of complimentary and alternative healing modalities for more than 25 years.  And in 2017, 12 years ago, I eventually became a full time EFT ‘tapping’ therapist, and went on to publish two stress relief books, and another on anger – I intimately understood these subjects because this had been the defiition of my entire life’s journey. 

In Peru, and while working with sacred plants I shed much of this – yes, plenty kilograms too! Not only have I now thrown away those stress related “keys”, but I’ve marched out the door, left the house, and am well on my way down the street to an entirely new destination of personal freedom! One filled with incredible calm, peace, certainty, love, gratitude and a sense of inner security welling from within… I tapped into Source.

Peru with your endless bountiful beauty, pulsating vibrant energy, spirit Apu’s, palpable Pachamama connection, healing shamans, sacred plant medicines, and pure hearted colourful people … how do I ever thank you for giving me such a generous new life filled with unconditional love … for the deeply transformative healing … for the real connection to Spirit within? Never did I imagine this could be possible, let alone imagine it would happen to me!

I departed Peru with a saddened heart but knew it wasn’t goodbye – I’ll return to this spiritual place again. Paradoxically I left feeling happy, joyful and immense gratitude to return to Mama Africa, my ancestral home to start a new journey knowing I’m now well equipped, gifted and talented to bring about transformation of a different kind though my continued Stress Gone! work …

I am grateful. I am blessed. I am privileged. I am humbled. I am inspired and motivated by and for what lies ahead.

I thank ALL the precious souls who contributed towards this phenomenal journey – it’s been life changing and richly rewarding. I love you all with ALL my heart.

Thank you. Gracias. Dankie. Ngiyabonga. Namaste!


* Images courtesy of Google images as my PC crashed, losing all my photographs!


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