New Years Resolutions a Success or Failure
With great intentions we set out to achieve new goals, especially towards the end of the year because we desire a different result next year. But achieving new goals is so often easier said than done.
When we find ourselves challenged, we so often quit. So as the end of January looms, this is an appropriate time to check in … were your desired New Year’s resolutions a success or failure? Are you still on track?
If you’ve been successful well done, but consider your goal may have been just a little too easy (smiley face!), so set another bigger ‘hairy’ goal. If you’ve failed to achieve a desired result, please don’t beat yourself up.
Simply refocus, and understand what it is that was driving you towards your goal achievement – what was your why? Once you know your why, then its time to re-energise and continue to forge forward. Most of all, don’t stress, tomorrow is another day, you can always begin again. Most importantly know why you want that goal?
Either way, I’ve got some great tips below. Before I get to the tips, please realise that if you’ve created your resolutions, goals and ambitions from a space of fear, anxiety, scarcity or lack – you really need to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want!
The law of attraction works in such a way that it brings exactly what your current energy and vibration resonates with. In other words, fear begets fear … and, success attracts success. This is the simple reason most people don’t succeed at goal achievement.
Attitude of Gratitude is the magic ingredient!
Simple gratitude can immediately help you to shift this negative energy of fear, anxiety, worry, stress, scarcity and lack to a positive energy and vibration so you literally attract that which you wish into your life.
Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Magic will help you create an powerful magnet of gratitude, which can accelerate successful goal achievement.
To help you remain on track, here are a further SIX simple but highly effective keys to successfully achieve your resolutions, goals and ambitions.
1. Be clear on your ‘Why’ … the bigger and more profound your ‘Why’, the more likely you’ll be to succeed with goal achievements. Your ‘why’ will provide the inspiration and motivation to stay on track, especially through the tough times. Engaging the positive emotions of your ‘why’ is the vital energy required to drive you forward.
2. Every day take small positive actions steps towards your goal. In no time, the small steps will gain momentum, and your results will compound.
3. Write your goals down, including the date for achieving your goal. Be clear and precise about what it is your want to achieve. Track your success.
4. Visualise your goals with as much positive emotion and detail as you possibly can, and as many times a day as possible. Vision boards help so much in this regard.
5. Be grateful for having already achieved your goal. This will elevate your positive emotions which help to attract your goal. The Magic book will help tremendously.
6. Review your written goal every night before falling off to sleep. This important tip engages the subconscious mind while you are sleeping, and this can fast track your results.
As a New Year’s gift, here’s a free audio tool that can help you to dissolve any fears that maybe obstacles to achieving your goal. This audio can also be used to clear away any unease such as stress or worry. Simply download and the follow the instructions. The audio can help you to push beyond your boundaries, accelerate your growth, dream BIG and have FUN living the life you’ve created.
Until next time … happy manifesting and wishing you a Stress Free Lifestyle … with Stress Gone! of course ?
Yours in health and healing,
Blessings always!
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Testimonials: Not Coping with Life in General
“Hi Bridget ….just to let you know that I had the most amazing day yesterday and (name withheld) got a room in the new private res so moving her soonest….feeling so positive and empowered by our session on Monday!! Thank you so much!! It’s amazing when blocked and negative energy is released….how liberating it feels thank you thank you thank you!!” Nicky, Pietermaritzburg (One session only)
“My life got turned around in one afternoon, it’s as if you cleared years of blockages in one sitting, and I can be sceptical of certain alternative healing methods. I still can’t believe that such a simple, non-invasive healing can have such dramatic results. I can’t wait to tap again with you and see what else I have been burying deep inside my stubborn brain … if only everyone knew about this! Best wishes.” Byron, Cape Town (One session only)
“Sometimes what we thought was the problem isn’t – Bridget helped me to ‘sort’ through the self imposed fog I found myself in. I went to see her once and the result was immediate and life changing. I learnt to be objective and distance myself and see my value and move into my true space. THANK YOU Bridget XXX (You DID change my life Bridget. So grateful. Want you to help lots more people).” Lucia, Johannesburg (One session only)
“Being in the complimentary health profession myself, I have come to recognise the importance of releasing emotional ‘baggage’ that keeps us from being whole. EFT helped me to shift some deep-seated behavioural patterns that I was oblivious to as it had become so much a part of who I was. Bridget has a keen sense of guiding the process to those deep layers that we keep hidden from ourselves and she does this gently and with a great deal of compassion. What I found so beneficial is that once the emotion was revealed, it was not necessary to spend days picking at old wounds like one would do in conventional therapy. Instead I acknowledged the emotion and then moved on swiftly and elegantly without having to dwell on all the unpleasantness. I would recommend EFT and Bridget to anyone who wishes to expand their consciousness.” Laura, therapist, Johannesburg (Two sessions)
“My sessions with you were without a shadow of a doubt the most profound shift I had ever experienced. After the shame of having to close my business, and the resulting depression it plunged me into, you were the only one who managed to get me to re-frame, regenerate and rejuvenate on more levels than one. It was like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. You literally saved my life ……” Kirsten, Johannesburg (Two sessions)
More client testimonials on topics such as addictions, anger management, anxiety,
depression, stress, trauma etc can be found here