Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed my
FREE 7 Day Stress Gone! e-Course
I trust you took advantage of what was shared. More importantly, applied this knowledge and
understanding of the positive “eustress” principles, especially to the root cause of your stress.
Although stress is considered a natural and normal part of life, today’s fast paced demanding lifestyles
means the average person is being overloaded, overworked and tested to the extreme, even in regular
or ordinary situations. And, this has become a DAILY occurrence, from the moment your eyes open,
24/7/365. Unless you’re a Monk living in a cave, your stress levels are probably averaging
7/10 per day and, in extreme cases a dangerously high 10/10.
Worst still, there’s LITTLE to NO respite… is there?

Did you know about these important 20 stress facts?
- Stress is an inside job, and a choice.
- Stress is a learnt behaviour, but when you know how, you can change this.
- Stress affects one’s moods; overtime it makes a person feel sad, and is linked to depression.
- Stress also makes a person irritable and angry, even enraged.
- Stress is responsible for approx 90% to 95% of all illnesses and diseases.
- Stress is linked to the leading causes of death via heart diseases, cancers, accidents and suicide.
- Stress impairs the immune system.
- Stress overburdens the mind with incessant worries.
- Stress can cause, and even worsen ulcers.
- Stress adversely affects sleep patterns, resulting in insomnia or sleep apnoea.
- Stress contributes to poor digestive problems, including IBS.
- Stress is often associated with weight gain.
- Stress causes tension headache, even migraines.
- Stress affects breathing, which results in nervousness. Often misdiagnosed as anxiety or panic attacks.
- Stress contributes towards a poor libido.
- Stress can cause substance abuse, and may be at the root of addictive behaviour.
- Stress increases the risk of type II diabetes.
- Stress contributes towards high blood pressure, overtime this may result in permanent heart damage.
- Stress can affect relationships.
- Stress can kill!
For this very reason, I coined the phrase …
“Stress is a dream stealer, relationship destroyer and a silent killer.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.”
Bridget Edwards

If you haven’t already, you should be asking yourself this poignant question…
How do I STOP this silent but violent ‘Stress Monster’
from controlling and destroying my life?
To PREVENT stress from controlling you, worst still, destroying your health and well being,
precious relationships at home,at work, AND from costing you a LOT of money
(eating into your lifesavings)
It is imperative to manage your HABITUAL daily stress response.
Yes, habitual… and, yes, daily.
It’s vital to learn how to take control. Learn how to form new habits and behavioural
patterns. And, how to consciously relax both your mind and body …
– that’s the easiest part, I’ll teach you how.
BUT, to achieve this,
it is IMPORTANT to know exactly what you are dealing with?
How stress destroys relationships, and is career limiting?
Why or how people do and say inappropriate things?
When, and how, does your stress take hold?
Why, and how, does stress affect you?
What you need to be aware of?
Then, exactly what to do!
Today, I’m providing you with an opportunity to SIGNIFICANTLY empower you –
to achieve ALL the above… to deepen your understanding, increase and improve your stress
management abilities by using tips, techniques and tools I’ve created specifically with you in mind.
Knowledge is Power
Be in control of your stress, enabling you to achieve greater personal freedom,
happiness, joy, love and success in all areas of your life.
Totally transform your life.
Here is the difference between the
BENEFITS of taking appropriate Stress Relief Action
CONSEQUENCES of not doing anything or enough.

Relaxed and peaceful |
Being in Control, and Coping Well |
Feeling Empowered, and Self Confident |
Healthy, Manageable Stress |
Quality Sleep, Well Rested, and at Ease |
General Health and Wellbeing |
Naturally Productive |
Creative Ideas Flowing |
Easily in a state of Happiness, Joy and Gratitude |
Logical, rational and liner thinking and behaviour |
Healthy longevity with prosperous relationships |

Stressed and frayed |
Being Out of Control, and Overwhelmed |
Feeling Disempowered, and Powerless |
Burnout. Adrenal Fatigue / CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) |
Exhaustion, Sleep Deprived, Insomnia or Sleep Apnoea |
Potential Illness and Disease |
Poor Performance |
Brain-fog or Feeling Mentally Blocked |
Easily Miserable, Irritated, Angry, Enraged and Possibly Depressed |
Irrational thoughts and behaviour, indicative of ‘amygdala hijack’ |
Crisis, hospitalised, potential fatality. |
Relaxed and peaceful |
Being in Control, and Coping Well |
Feeling Empowered, and Self Confident |
Healthy, Manageable Stress |
Quality Sleep, Well Rested, and at Ease |
General Health and Wellbeing |
Naturally Productive |
Creative Ideas Flowing |
Easily in a state of Happiness, Joy and Gratitude |
Logical, rational and liner thinking and behaviour |
Healthy longevity with prosperous relationships |
Stressed and frayed |
Being Out of Control, and Overwhelmed |
Feeling Disempowered, and Powerless |
Burnout. Adrenal Fatigue / CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) |
Exhaustion, Sleep Deprived, Insomnia or Sleep Apnoea |
Potential Illness and Disease |
Poor Performance |
Creative Ideas Flowing |
Brain-fog or Feeling Mentally Blocked |
Easily Miserable, Irritated, Angry, Enraged and Possibly Depressed |
Irrational thoughts and behaviour, indicative of ‘amygdala hijack’ |
What is your choice for your ultimate health and well being? Benefits or Consequences?
this is what I’ve created specifically for you …
- My book: Stress Gone! How to Identify and Reduce Stress Easily –
Instant download ebook. No shipping or waiting – instant access!
Stress Gone! is my #1 bestselling book, which has been featured across multiple media platforms in South Africa. It has also received rave reviews from medical professionals, prominent business figures, entrepreneurs, and virtually everyone who has read it. I provide all the knowledge and understanding needed, PLUS exercises, tips, techniques, tools and hacks to adequately equip and empower you.
- BRAND NEW: Stress Gone! Training Videos and Audios
– Five part series of 90 minutes, instantly accessible. 5x videos + convenient audio option.
In this new training, I discuss the most critically important aspects of stress. I hold nothing back… building upon the foundation of my Stress Gone! book, I give you ALL the significant keys to successfully understand, manage and relieve your stress related issues. Everything covered is with the specific intention to empower you to finally take control, and kick your stress in the butt. - Lastly, Consultations
– Limited Offer to work with me via Skype. A 3 hour, 1-on-1, private consultation.
Last but not least, the opportunity to immediately reduce your stress – no matter what it is. I absolutely LOVE consulting – helping calm those stressful waters, enabling people to find quality solutions, peace of mind, AND, if necessary make the most appropriate, empowering decisions ever!
- My book: Stress Gone! How to Identify and Reduce Stress Easily –

- Stress Gone! Book Including : 16x Stress Relief Exercises 50x Lifestyle Techniques Stress Relief Audio Process
- Stress Gone! Introductory Training Video (18 minutes)
- Immediate Access: Instant Download
- Stress Gone! Book Including : 16x Stress Relief Exercises 50x Lifestyle Techniques Stress Relief Audio Process
- 5x Stress Gone! Training Videos and Audios total: 1.5 hours
- Immediate Access: Instant Download
- Stress Gone! Book Including : 16x Stress Relief Exercises 50x Lifestyle Techniques Stress Relief Audio Process
- 3 Hours of Skype Consultations (1x 2 Hours + 1x 1 Hour)
- 2x Bonus Training Videos and Audios total: 40 minutes (Stress tips for children + Stress Relief tips for Parents)
- Immediate Access: Instant Download
Guaranteed 100% Money Back Saftisfaction Guarantee

Here’s what Medical Professionals have said about Stress Gone!
Here’s to your optimal health and well being!

About Bridget Edwards
Bridget is an international Stress Consultant, author of three books, a trained Hospice Caregiver, and for the past 11 years she’s been a dedicated EFT ‘tapping’ practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques). With more than 25 years experience in health and wellbeing, today Bridget specialises in helping clients overcome all kinds of stress related issues such as anger and stress management, PTSD, depression, trauma, grief and loss, fears and phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, and relationship issues too.
Her work, and in particular her popular Stress Gone! book, has been featured by South Africa’s best known media. She’s appeared on TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and in numerous online publications too. She works with both private individuals and in corporate. As an accomplished public speaker her keynote addresses cover stress related topics.
This is what she said:
I live my life by this simple motto, ‘enabling others through love and true connection.’ Through my Stress Gone! work I wish to make a profoundly bigger impact in this stressed out world… this is my raison d’etre, my purpose!